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Absolutely mind-blowing skateboarding final at the Simple Session 23 ended with a 13-year old Julian Agliardi taking an earned win with 83.08 points by the judges.

Second place belongs to Spanish Danny Leon with 80.08 points and third place went to Norway’s Elias Nilsen with 78.83 points. Estonian Meelis Erm finished 13th with 63.16 points.

Full list of results:

Julian Agliardi (USA) 83,08
Danny Leon (ESP) 80,08
Elias Nilsen (NOR) 78,83
Hampus Winberg (SWE) 74,33
Marcelo Jimenez Ramirez (CHI) 72,83
Arturs Bogdanovics (LAT) 71,73
Aaron Jaws Homoki (USA) 71,18
Koffe Kroon (SWE) 71,16
Chris Gregson (USA) 71,06
Onni Saltevo (FIN) 69,83
Yurii Korotun (UKR) 67,2
Tristan Rennie (USA) 67
Meelis Erm (EST) 63,16
Stellio Sakellarides (FRA) 58,83
Carl Bourguignon (FRA) 53,5