REEDE. 22.09
Simple Session 2023 tänava jäm legendaarsel Skoone Bastinonil.
Kõik on oodatud osalema ja kaasa elama, et anda vägev avapauk terve nädal kestvale festivalile!
Orienteeruv ajakava
14:00-15:30 Skateboarding
– Converse Skate Downhill Race will kick things off with a 1:1 race at the legendary Skoone downhill path, with the winner progressing to the next round.
– Next up is the longest ollie competition
– Skates finish their show with a Rail Best Trick
16:00-17:30 BMX
– BMX’s fastest lap. Riders will need to complete an obstacle course as fast as possible. Everyone has two go’s. Fastest lap wins.
– Next up is box jam for BMX riders.
Cash for tricks to get the legs going for the weekend. Both, BMX and skate going at it simultaneously. Skate and BMX best tricks will be awarded as well.
Simple Session 2023 linnaüritusi toetab Tallinn Euroopa roheline pealinn (European Green Capital Tallinn 2023)
Liitu Facebook’i eventiga ja kohtumiseni kolmapäeval Skoones!