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All the ladies no matter their age or skills are invited to participate at the Girls Who Ride skateboarding event after the spectacular Simple Session 23 skate and BMX professionals have completed their finals next weekend.

On Monday, September 25 there is an excellent opportunity to skateboard with instructors at the Simple Session park and spend a day with likeminded fearless women. Age and experience are not important, it’s your desire to develop yourself that matters. Don’t be shy and come join us! We’ve all been beginners at some point. Falling and performing tricks are not the top priorities this time; what matters is your bold approach and good vibes.

What will we do on this day?

– Riding with instructors at Simple Session park (we provide helmets and skateboards if needed)

– Arts & craft workshop (everyone can create a fun souvenir with the guidance of an artist)

– Evening meal. Please note! To participate, kindly fill out this FORM so that we can better meet your preferences.


Event schedule/line-up

– 15:30-16:00 Gathering

– 16:00-18:00 Arts & crafts

– 18:00-20:00 Skate @ Simple Session park

– 21:00-22:00 Award ceremony & chill

Please register: HERE
Buy your tickets: Piletitasku

See you all on Monday, September 25th!